Success stories
Learn about our partnerships that have resulted in winning projects for our customers.
Preserving the environment, promoting well-being and respect for human rights, as well as cultivating values based on ethics, transparency and integrity, are all part of Furukawa's culture, which is passed on to everyone, starting with the onboarding training program that employees undergo when they join the company in addition to the various other training, awareness-raising and internal communication events throughout their professional careers. The company also encourages its employees through the example and support of senior management and corporate programs. It has a Compliance Management System, programs to reduce water and energy consumption, solar panels, the Educating Children for the Future program, the Migrants program and others.
Among our various environmental initiatives, we highlight two: The Green IT Program, which for more than 15 years has prevented incorrect disposal of copper cables received from customers, sending them in for treatment and recycling to become raw materials for other industries, in other applications. With a view to minimizing environmental impact, Furukawa has developed the GigaLan Green product line, replacing fossil fuel-derived plastic with sugar cane-derived bioplastic, the planting of which helps to minimize the greenhouse effect by capturing 2.12 tons of CO2 from the amount released per ton of base resin produced.
Governance at Furukawa relies on a robust Compliance Management System, Code of Conduct, internal auditing, risk management, as well as internal controls aimed at maintaining integrity and transparency in business and relationships with its stakeholders, always with a focus on compliance with applicable legislation in the countries where it operates.