Maranhão provider bets on GPON Furukawa equipment to offer quality internet to customers.

provedor maranhao

A reliable network, with high availability, capacity and efficiency that allows quality internet services to be provided to customers distributed in eight municipalities of Maranhão and Piauí. For this, Nippontec, a service provider that has been operating in this region for more than 10 years, has invested in the advantages of the GPON network technology from Furukawa Solutions. 

Despite covering an extensive area, with an average distance of 85 kilometers between the cities served, Nippontec made a point to include high technology in its network, to offer quality internet connections. “We started as a provider in 2009 and, at that time, I had already realized that the market would change”, says Ulisses Coelho, Nippontec’s Director of Technology. 

Based in the city of Balsas (MA), the provider inaugurated the first stretch of its optical network to Riachão, 62 kilometers away, in 2014. “Since then, we have been launching more fiber and expanding the network, which today reaches Urussuí, in Piauí, serving both residential and business users”, says Coelho. According to him, the backbone of the network currently has more than 600 kilometers. And the intention is to keep expanding the operation to neighboring states. “We are using radio to reach the interior of the state and, arriving in the city, we will launch fiber optics to get internet to the users”, he explains. 

In addition to optical cables, subscription boxes and accessories, Nippontec also uses Furukawa’s GPON equipment – OLTs and UNs. “We use Furukawa’s complete solution, which ensures the quality of our network and also facilitates inventory management, since all the equipment is from the same supplier”, says the director. Another important advantage, according to Coelho, is the good service and speed of Furukawa´s support team. “We have a very good backing for support, which is in Brazil and understands our needs”, he concludes.  

More information about Furukawa equipment at: