Multiculturalism at Furukawa

Multiculturalidade, pessoas

Multiculturalism at Furukawa and the benefits it brings to the development of the company. How does multiculturalism affect the growth of a company? It is possible to address various social, economic and cultural growth aspects through diversity and pluralism, etc.

One of the goals of a company inserted in the global and multicultural market is to create a world with more equity and balance. Therefore, this factor can be considered as competitive: to show that the organization, more than merely interested in its financial health, also seeks social responsibility.

Along these lines, being multicultural includes receiving numerous people from different backgrounds and areas of knowledge from different countries with different ways of thinking. In other words, the company’s creative actions become much more innovative, without it having to seek these characteristics outside its own space.

Speaking of Multiculturalism means speaking of diversity, of respect, of accepting others and taking into account all the virtues of each individual. It means treating everything that is different as natural and something that can add to and incorporate an idea, a project, a company.

Within the Furukawa Culture, one of the pillars is to value people, i.e., to recognize that investing in the development of skills, knowledge, attitudes and engagement of our people will promote employee experience, in addition to allowing the long-term success of the Group.

Among the valued skills is being open to new ideas, new concepts, new projects, new ways of being and working. Open to diversity, cultures, generations, genders and valuing unity in Diversity and Multiculturalism.

Pluralism is the basis of multiculturalism in companies, this means including people from diverse backgrounds, races, genders and offering them equal opportunities for contribution and growth.

To be multicultural requires the absence of discrimination and prejudice in relation to race, religion, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation or physical limitation. The only things that should be taken into account are the skills, talents and performance of the employees and their unique contribution to each role.

When you have people from different cultural backgrounds, and a problem arises, you will have different perspectives on how to approach it.

It is necessary to encourage your team to get involved in decision-making and give space for everyone to give their feedback in meetings, take advantage of and absorb this diversity of thoughts to create a group that is strong and committed to the organization.

Promoting the integration of different cultures is probably the greatest advantage of this type of environment. Seeing things from new perspectives can lead to the creation of new ideas, contributing to richer knowledge relationships.
Creating a culture of tolerance, integrity, respect and acceptance must be part of all activities and all corporate sectors, thus improving employee performance.

It is very important for the manager to put their cultural intelligence into practice, so that the company can adapt to this new market. This means they must have the ability to handle different cultural profiles and target them strategically within the company.

Finally, it is important to mention that the company must learn to incorporate the differences between team members in a positive way. In other words, figure out how to extract the best from each person to add to their growth or become a factor of general competitiveness.