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Home / News / A vision of the future based on technology

A vision of the future based on technology

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By Flávio R. Marques, Corporate Marketing Manager at Furukawa.

How do you increase scalability, provide a good network experience and minimize environmental impact? One of the many questions that can be asked considering that today’s users not only value data speed, but also demand performance, availability, responsiveness, security and environmental awareness. Needs have changed over time and the use of technology will be affected by these new conditions.

Understanding that there is a sustainable ideology that is becoming more and more prevalent in the business world and that user needs have changed, it is important to understand that telecommunications companies focused solely on providing speed will find it difficult to remain competitive in the market. Not only in terms of the pressure to take care of the planet’s resources, but we are talking about high network capacity, low latency, the so-called “green network”, automation, cloud services, the adoption of 5G, among other aspects that are now being taken into account.

The evolution of fiber optics is marked by increased and improved capacity and a diversification of services such as home entertainment and smart cities, among others, which are emerging to meet the needs of society. However, we cannot forget that it is important to take user experience into account, a fundamental element to focus the strategy on the user’s real expectations. Thus, the key here is to find a balance between what the perfect product or service would be and the necessary conditions that must be provided to make the user’s experience ever more pleasant. Similarly, the balance is transferred to the convergence between physical and mobile. When this is successfully accomplished, a telecommunications paradigm shift occurs that comprehends and adapts to the new context.

To make a significant impact, how do you make it possible for people who don’t have access to the network, access it? The future lies in inclusive access to fiber. To ensure its democratization and offer connectivity to all users, the trend is for providers to share services on the network, a practice that also reduces costs by 50%.

Incorporating all these elements into a company’s value proposition requires a good infrastructure to provide the necessary support and constant research of the environment in order to remain relevant. Competitiveness in the market will only be achieved if the supply of products and services is aligned with emerging needs.

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