Road Networks And Transportation
Innovation for better integration
State and federal highways in various countries concentrate the largest portion of logistics transport. The activity directly impacts the economy, and this is the reason why road dealerships demand intelligent automation systems to manage the entire route for traffic control, areas for repair and maintenance, tolls, and more.
Count on us to provide the best optical and wireless networks infrastructures, so that road dealerships, transport and logistics companies are able to integrate all their services and applications, achieving innovation and cost reduction.
Technology for safety
Every time you take the road, you want to have a safe trip. With dealerships supervising roads more intelligently and efficiently, chances of a smooth and accident-free journey are increased.
The adoption of an intelligent networking system optimizes incident response time by allowing box services calls (emergency telephone systems), radars, cameras, variable message consoles, traffic analyzers, etc, to be connected.
Everything with a fast, secure, reliable and available connectivity platform.
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